Using seasonal vegetables to make refreshing gaspachos with a twist.

If you're like me and love the comforting properties of a bowl of soup, you must also feel a bit lost in summer. But there's a solution to that "light lunch" dilemma and for once, it doesn't have to always be Salad.
In France, we often have Gaspacho in summer, a Spanish dish with consists of blended peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes and onion (I think, there must be a more traditional recipe, but I'm not Spanish).
So the idea came to me this summer and I decided to put a little twist on it.
- 1 White Onion
- 1 Garlic (clove)
- 1 Red Pepper
- 3 Peaches (Yellow)
- 4 Tomatoes
- Basil (Small Bunch)
- 1 Courgette
1) Quarter the courgette and remove the seeded centre.
2) Pick out the basil leaves and wash them.
3) Roughly chop all ingredients.
4) Place all in a bowl with a big pinch of salt and pepper
4) Mix with a soup blender.
5) Serve in a bowl with a drizzle of olive oil and sea salt.
That's it, it's so simple and tasty.