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Lavender Chocolate Biscuits Sablés

Updated: Aug 1

Lavender chocolate biscuits made using a sablé recipe which are a typical french biscuit that are incredibly buttery and take their name from their "sandy" crumbly texture.

lavender chocolate biscuits

This recipe comes with a tiny bit of background: my mother grows lavender in her garden and harvest season has just come to an end. During harvest, she picks the flowers and puts them out to dry in the sun, after a few weeks, she plucks them to remove the stems and gather the little buds aka the nice smelly bit. She puts handfulls into mousseline bags which get distributed into cupboards and bed and fill the house with a lavender haze.

All this to say, one night I was eating dark chocolate on the couch when I smelled one of the lavender bags and suddenly thought, wow that goes really well together! And from there came the idea for this unlikely pairing. The obvious next step was then to put it in a buttery biscuit, because why not! So here is my recipe for lavender chocolate biscuits (sablés).

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