A smoky twist on the classic Argentinian chimichurri sauce recipe
Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat ... & Smoke! This burnt spring onion chimichurri is a great sauce to have in the back pocket to go with all sorts: omelette, salad, tacos, pies, steak,... it's especially good to cut through anything a bit fatty.

Burnt Onion Chimichurri:
2 bunches of spring onion (approx 200g)
20g parsley
2 rosemary sprigs
1 lime, juiced
1 Tbs apple cider vinegar
1/2 tsp chilli flakes
1 Tbs EVOO
2 pinches of sea salt
Black pepper
If you have a gas hob, put the spring onion directly on the flame and turn occasionally with tongs until the outer layer is fully burnt. Alternatively, coat them with a bit of olive oil then place flat on a baking tray and roast at 200°C until brown all over.
Leave the burnt spring onion to cool down in a covered dish then slowly peel away the burnt layer.
Chop off the roots and discard them, then roughly chop the cooked spring onions into small chunks.
Pluck the rosemary sprigs and finely chop them with the parsley.
Mix the spring onion and herbs in a bowl with the other chimichurri ingredients. Taste to adjust seasoning based on personal preference and then set to the side until ready to serve. It can be stored in a closed container in the fridge for at least 3 days.
Bon appétit!
More about this recipe:
Spring onions are in season, now I’ll be completely honest I’m not a massive fan of them raw, I find they can be a bit too pungent and dominate a dish, but to each their own! I do however think they’re completely overlooked as a vegetable and love to eat them cooked, they’re basically a cross between a cute mini leek and an onion with that blend of sweetness and a stronger onion flavour, they’re also a great source of folate and vitamin C which amongst other health benefits makes them a great mood food for a happy boost.
I especially love this chimichurri recipe as the burnt spring onion gives another layer of depth to the classic Argentinian sauce by adding smokiness and cutting through the fat and acid with a mild onion kick to lift it to another level.
It’s the perfect sauce for any fatty element. Feel free to adjust the spice level according to your personal preference.
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